Book Review: Bibleforce: The First Heroes Bible

Bibleforce: The First Heroes Bible (Thomas Nelson, 2018) is a comic-book-style bible story book.  It begins with the story of creation and ends with the final judgment in 642 pages. 

The illustrations in this book are absolutely incredible.  Bright colors draw the eye and realistic images truly tell the story.  Angry faces are well depicted without being scary, even John’s vision of the end time dragon is well delivered with the dragon facing the angel rather than the reader.  There are maps and banners of explanation outside the actual stories. 

Each story shows where it can be found in the Bible.  The book is amazingly complete, seeming to exclude only the minor prophets – which would be difficult to deliver as a child’s story.

My five year old is absolutely enthralled with this story book.  While most of the text is beyond his reading level, he sits for hours pouring over the pictures.  He carried it to church last week and showed it to everyone that would look.

I am thrilled to give Bibleforce: The First Heroes Bible FIVE stars!

Thomas Nelson, publisher of Bibleforce: The First Heroes Bible sent me a copy of this book in exchange for a fair review.