Tennessee Mountain Stories

2021 Winter Weather


Whether you’ll spend the winter feeding stock or commuting to an office, the weather affects all of us.  And this is the time of year we start looking down the winter road trying to predict how much cold, snowy-weather we’ll face.


There are lots of ways of predicting weather, and the nut crop is as reliable a method as any I suppose.  If the Good Lord is supplying his little forest creatures for a hard winter, He’s done a fine job.  There are a ton of acorns on the ground as well as hickory nuts.  Right in my back yard, where the dog and cats keep the squirrels scared away, we are covered up with nuts.  I took a little stroll through the woods just to see how many were still out – there were plenty there too.

Maybe you’ve heard the old adage that “even a blind hog gets an acorn sometimes”.  When it comes to weather forecasting, that’s a pretty good description for me; yet even this blind hog can observe nature’s abundance.  I’m putting it on my calendar right now to check back in and see how true this indicator holds.