Your Quilts
/Some of my favorite Quilts
I just love hearing from my readers. I can never find the words to describe how honored I feel when someone tells me they sat up half the night because they couldn’t put down one of my books. And when I hear you saying that a blog article or series reminded you of your mother or grandmother, I feel like the greatest success on the internet!
So, as I continue working on my quilt repair, this week I want to hear from you - I’m turning the blog over to the readers!
Please send me pictures of your favorite quilts - maybe it’s one you made with your grandmother, or one of hers that you inherited. Maybe it’s a quilt you remember using at your mother’s house, or wrapping your babies in.
If you have a story to go along with the picture, that’s all the better.
You can share in lots of ways: 1. In the comments below; 2. Post it on my Facebook page; 3. Email me at:
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Reader Mary Lou McKillip shared a great quilting-bee story with me this week, so I’ll start you off with it :
I was 8 years old and our church ladies were making quilts for the children orphans home. Dad built Mother a quilting house (two rooms) a large room for quilting and a small kitchen to cook lunch for all the ladies with a large tables and chairs ,he had a large pot belly stove in the quilting room. It was on a Saturday and I was playing with my kitten Lucy under the quilt.mama didn’t Dad had put in new stove pipe and left the old one on the porch . Mama told me to take the kitten and play on the porch . That darn cat got down in the stove pipe and got suit all over her all you could see was her eyes. I ran back inside to show the ladies and Lucy jump out my arms and landed on the new quilt She made paw prints all over that new quilt. I finally caught her and Mama sent me and her back to the Big House with dad. She told me to get a pan and bath her with dad helping me but while we were getting a pan of water she got up on Mamas white bed spread and tracked it up. (Solid white with French knots) boy my fanny got it.