Book Review: The Power of a Praying Grandparent

Book Review:  The Power of a Praying Grandparent, Stormie Omartian, Harvest House, 2016


Stormie Omartian has written numerous Power of Prayer books and I have enjoyed many of them.  I find them a great resource for daily devotions and return to these books again and again.  Her format is uniform across all of the books I’ve read taking a single topic, offering a short lesson, a prayer and then a few applicable bible verses. 

My review copy of The Power of a Pryaing Grandparent was electronic and a pre-distribution copy so the formatting is often a little out of whack.  However, the basic format of the chapters seems to follow her established pattern and I certainly enjoy that uniformity.

Mrs. Omartian is a relatively new grandparent, according to the preface to the book.  However, she’s certainly an established prayer warrior.  I greatly enjoyedthe topics she chose in this book.  They are broken into four categories;  ‘Understanding of Godly Love and Relationships’, ‘Safety and Protection’, ‘Spiritual Growth and Development’, and ‘Provision and Well-Being’.  Each topic contains six or seven sub-topics resulting in twenty-eight lessons.  So that makes for a great month-long devotional dedicated to your grandchildren.

I will certainly be giving this book to my own parents in hopes they will systematically cover my children in prayer.  And I’m giving this book five stars to strongly recommend it to you.

Harvest House, publisher of The Power of a Praying Grandparent, supplied a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and impartial review.