Book Review: Praying through the Bible for your Kids

Praying through the Bible for your Kids, Nancy Guthrie, Tyndale Momentum, 2016

Praying through the Bible for your Kids is a great devotional guide for any parent – or even grandparent.  Our children need our prayers throughout their entire lives.  Of course I pray for my children ever yday, but the idea of taking a year and praying for them each day in a very structured manner is very exciting to me. 

Mrs. Guthrie has structured this book first with a set of Bible passages to read that range from a single verse to several chapters.  Reading each set daily will take you through the whole Bible in a year.  Next there are topics that are specific to children of all ages.  From “They Know His Voice” which talks about our children seeking God’s voice and direction in their lives, to“Rebellious Children” that reminds us that God knows all too well the heartbreak of rebellion and in this shared experience we can find a closer relationship to The Lord.

After a short lesson and parenting-application, she ends each day with suggested prayers that cover both child and parent.

The book uses a variety of versions of the Word of God, NLT being the primary version.  However,  most of the scripture is given only in book and verse so you would need to use your own Bible to read those and therefore the version of your own choosing. 

I am a little disappointed in the binding materials chosen.  While it’s not a book that has to be carried to church every week, it will get handled a lot over the course of the year.  Therefore I’m concerned the less expensive paper and binding will get pretty ragged. 

I confess I’m writing this review less than a year from receiving the book.  However, I’ll be happy to update this is my opinion changes over the next year because I’m certainly going to use this each day.  In the meantime, I believe you’ll enjoy it too.

Tyndale Momentum, the publisher of Praying through the Bible for your Kids supplied a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and impartial review.