Tennessee Mountain Stories

Thanksgiving 2018

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“Charlie, it ain’t right for a poor man to eat as much as I’ve had today.”  Preston Langford stretched his long torso and rubbed his stomach. Years ago, Preston had built a big wooden table for Emma to use on her flat rock and it had often served this growing family. He kept it in good repair and today it was filled with fried fish, boiled potatoes, sweet corn, fried apples and the last of the cantaloupe and watermelons.  

Charlie chuckled and grasped his friend’s shoulder, “Who’s poor here Preston? Look around at all these young’uns and our wives cackling like two old hens as happy as can be. I can’t see that we’re wantin’ for much.”  

These are the opening paragraphs of Plans for Emma’s Epilogue and they came to mind as I assembled today’s Thanksgiving Feast.  We had a very small crowd of only 6 this year and I’m all for keeping things simple on holidays.  Still the dishes seem to multiply!  And as you’d probably suspect, my foods are very traditional – turkey and ham, sweet potato casserole and green beans.  We had Pecan pie and pound cake.

In today’s media-driven world it’s often easy to feel like we have less than this family or that one.  And there’s always a new car or gadget the advertisers would have you believe you just have to have, and have right now.  Yet this is a day to Thank the good Lord for His many blessings and as I look at this table and think what others have faced both historically and around the world, I realize my blessings are far greater than I can count today.

Among the blessings, I’m thanking God for you faithful readers and I’m praying that your Thanksgiving Day reveals the blessings in your own lives.